The Orange County Care Coordination Collaborative for Kids (OCC3 for Kids) is a partnership of more than 30 organizations working to improve systems of care for children with special health care needs. Funding to support this partnership is provided by Lucile Packard Foundation for Children’s Health (LPFCH) along with in kind contributions of staff support from those who participate on OCC3 for Kids. Established in 2013, OCC3 for Kids has received multiple rounds of funding from LPFHC, with the most recent supplemental award period being January through July 2022.
Our Vision
To ensure children and youth in Orange County with special health care needs achieve optimal care for health and wellbeing, and to enhance the quality of life for their families
Our Mission
To optimize and strengthen care coordination among providers and systems of care
Most Recent Effort
During the supplemental award period from January through July 2022, we completed the action plan developed by OCC3 for Kids to address the Whole Child Model (WCM) system issue that the group prioritized: helping parents/caregivers navigate the WCM. OCC3 for Kids developed and implemented three strategies to support families with WCM system navigation:
- Strategy 1: Mapping resources available to support families with navigation of WCM. The result from this process was a system mapping document that was meant for internal (OCC3 for Kids) purposes and could be shared as a resource with other professionals supporting WCM families, such as care management teams.
- Strategy 2: Developing parent/family-facing shared messaging to assist with understanding sources of supports and services. The group developed a two-page document to be disseminated widely to families, available in English, Spanish and Vietnamese.
- Strategy 3: Reviewing the Health Needs Assessment conducted by CalOptima and develop recommended changes that could help families get connected to supports as early as possible. The group identified a series of recommended changes to the form itself, along with process recommendations. These were summarized in a letter to CalOptima and are now being considered by CalOptima as part of our ongoing partnership.
We believe our work together has contributed to improved coordination among organizations and agencies involved with Whole Child Model and the families it serves. In addition, a parent/family facing document was developed Helping Parents Navigate Whole Child Model to improve parents’ experiences by clarifying who they should contact for various needs and issues they may encounter.
Helping Parents Navigate Whole Child Model - English
Helping Parents Navigate Whole Child Model - Spanish
Helping Parents Navigate Whole Child Model - Vietnamese
OCC3 for Kids Publication
This report summarizes the goals, activities, and results of OCC3 for Kids efforts from its most recent award period, November 2019 through June 2022. The focus during this timeframe was improving access to care for children with special health care needs by identifying system strengths, challenges, and barriers with an emphasis on the transition from California Children’s Services to the Whole Child Model and developing and implementing a plan to address one or more of the barriers identified. In this report, we outline OCC3 for Kids learnings, the system barriers it focused on, and results from that work. (Click here for Working Together for Systems Improvement: Orange County Whole Child Model - August 2022)
Participating Organizations
Please see organizations that contributed to this collaborative effort during Phase V and the 2022 Supplemental Award, November 2019 through June 2022.
Previous OCC3 for Kids Work
Addressing the challenges with access to diapers for families of children with special health care needs (Click her to view case study)
Providing system-level care coordination (click here to view evaluation report)
Transition from receiving medical care from pediatric primary and specialty care providers to receiving care from adult providers. (Click here to see Transition Toolkit)
Whole Child Model Focus Group Report (Click here for report)
Support Staff
OCC3 for Kids director and primary contact is Rebecca Hernandez with Help me Grow Orange County
- Rebecca Hernandez: Rehernandez@choc.org 949-267-0300